Attending President’s Lecture featuring Donna Strickland

Attending President’s Lecture featuring Donna Strickland

On Wednesday, January 30th my friends and I attended the University of Waterloo's President's Lecture featuring 2018 Nobel Prize laureate Donna Strickland. We listened to her talk about her research and how it led her to develop chirped pulse amplification with Gérard Mourou, her Ph.D. supervisor. Her lecture was then followed by a small Q&A [...]

Fear of Group Work

Fear of Group Work

I haven't had much group work experience during my undergrad studies so far. Disregarding lab partner work, there was really only two instances of group work I can think of, and those moments were back in my first year. The first one a group research and presentation (on peroxisomes), and the second instance was just [...]

Learning to Code

Learning to Code

From May to August, I learned how to functionally code using DrRacket. Functional programming: "treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data." I found it really interesting to code. I found myself constantly pushing myself to remember the built-in tools we learned in class, and the multiple ways we [...]