Review: Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists: Best Practices for Success in the Environmental Movement

Review: Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists: Best Practices for Success in the Environmental Movement

Edited by Nora Gallagher and Lisa Myers; Introduction by Yvon ChouinardBack in 2019 I picked up this book to understand more about the mindset of environmental activists and some basic, but effective tools used to get their massage across and make a change not matter how big or small it was. This book provides helpful [...]

Mangroves: An Essential Ecosystem

Mangroves: An Essential Ecosystem

On my recent trip to the Philippines, my cousin brought us to a place called San Juan By the Bay in Santa Rita, Samar; a scenic spot that includes a boardwalk, a floating restaurant, a beautiful view of the San Juanico Bridge and mangrove restoration project ( As we walked along the boardwalk towards the [...]

Sustainability – A Pretty Interesting Journey

Sustainability – A Pretty Interesting Journey

Over the part couple of weeks I’ve become more interested in environmentalism and sustainability. You hear a lot about this topic on social media like going to a zero-waste lifestyle, minimalism, switching to a vegetarian/vegan diet etc. etc. And I’ve been seeing this a lot more recently on my social media feed. Maybe it’s because [...]