The Balancing Act: Work, School, and Jobs

When I was in school and working part-time, I found myself struggling; unsure of how to plan out my days and my tasks without completely overwhelming myself. I failed to keep the balance at the beginning, inducing burn-out, stress, anxiety, and more.

When you’re in school, there may be a number of things happening in life that are making you feel like a juggler. Things like assignments, extra curriculars, volunteering, social life, and part-time jobs. It can be really overwhelming at times, or even all the time, as you try to adept and balance our responsibilities to suit our lifestyle. It can feel like our days are never ending.

But making a healthy routine and healthy habits, you my be able to find a healthier work-school-life balance as a student. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some really quick tips and habits that have helped me cope a bit more with balancing my responsibilities in life.

Prioritizing Your Time

Being able to recognize which task has the higher priority is very important to being able to find a bit of balance in your life, This can help you distinguish what you need to do and what you want to do. Once you figure out which tasks have a higher priority, you can make a list! We love lists.

Make a Plan

Once you figure out your priorities, you can make a plan of action that best suits you at that moment in time. That’s right, at that moment in time, not all the time. If you’re able to make a plan that will last you for weeks or months on end, that’s great! Keep going!

In my experience, I found it stressful and disappointing when I try to plan and essentially time block things, and then I end up not following it down to the last second. So, instead I make a plan for that day or next two days relating to the tasks on hand.

Make Time for What You Love

Whether it be reading, playing video games, baking, or sports, being able to do what you love can help you feel like you have more control in your life as you dedicate even 15 minutes to doing something you like. It’ll also help you rest a bit 🙂

Establish Boundaries

Say no to things that make you uncomfortable, to overworking yourself, to adding too many things on your already full plate. This one I had a lot of difficulty with, and it wasn’t until my last year of university where I set boundaries such as working only 2-3 days a week.

Taking Time Off

What I found that was really helpful to remember is that productivity comes in waves, and that it’s okay to take a break (even if it’s just less than a day long).

Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

Dedicate some time during the week to your physical and mental health. Whether it be taking a minute to breathe and meditate, or going out for a walk. Taking care of yourself should come first to help cope with a hectic schedule.

I know some of these tips may seem super generic.

You will and probably have seen them on almost every post about maintaining a work-school life. I think it’s very beneficial to share these tips!

They may help someone out there, or even show how you can customize these tips to make them unique and beneficial to you and your lifestyle 🙂

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