Today is World Mental Health Day

Every year on October 10th is World Mental Health Day. The purpose of it is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to get the ball rolling on efforts in support of mental health.

What is mental health?

The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

This year, I (like many others) believe that it’s super important to raise awareness and to help and support one another through these tough times. I know how hard its been for some people and that not everyone is experiencing the same hardships as others, yet so many things have changed for a majority of us and our normal everyday lives have been dramatically disrupted. I think the past couple of months have really put a spotlight on the importance of mental health. I’ve seen a number of news stories such as ways to cope with anxiety and stress, how our mental health has been affected in isolation, why we should to reach out to friends and family, and stories of people doing their best to uplift the spirits of those around them. It’s great that the conversation is rolling on this subject.

As someone who’s been struggling with depression the past couple of years, it’s been difficult for me to talk about it, but I’m trying my best to open that conversation. After going to therapy, practicing my CBT techniques, and talking to my family and a handful of close friends, I’ve realized how important it is to open up about talking about your own thoughts and emotions, and to find ways to nourish it in a positive way.

Remember that it’s important to get the help we need on our journey towards good mental health, and to support the journeys of those close to us. Learning to accept and learn about our thoughts and feelings, and how to cope are small steps towards a better mind set and overall wellbeing. Opening the conversation on mental health and wellbeing can be powerful, because sometimes just a small convo to acknowledge and validate those feelings can help others feel safe, accepted and less burdened.

Your mental health will ALWAYS matter!

Canadian Mental Health Resources (I encourage you to find resources in your area):

About World Mental Health Day 2020:

** Mental Health Resources – Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport: ** this site provides a number of resources across Canada

Kids Help Phone:

(Article) Looking for Mental Health Services – CAMH:

Find mental health support – Ontario Ministry of Health:

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! Stay safe and I hope you have a nice day 🙂

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